Accelerated Learning Curves.
#TeamBiste is having another amazing ski racing year. With only one more race to go, Season Finals at Alpine Meadows April 5th and 6th, two of the racers, Scott and Kris, are currently in 2nd and 3rd place Open Class, with Kirk Swanson 1st within his class 7 age group.
Dave Reeves, a second-year racer, joined the team this past summer and has already reached the podium! Now that may not sound like a lot but believe me it is. Class 7 and Class 8 are the largest groups in the Far West division of the USSA Masters and contain the fastest racers in the west. Congratulations team keep up the good work!
If you want to get better in the sport of skiing there is no better way than to develop your skills on the #SnowBiste ski simulator located in Reno, NV.
Call for an appointment at (775) 741-9474.